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Staż w Parlamencie Europejskim

staż Akademickie Biuro Karier
  • Luksemburg, Brussels, Luxembourg, Strasburg
  • Data publikacji: 17 październik 2024
  • Ważna do: 31 październik 2024
  • Kategoria oferty: Inne
  • Doświadczenie: niewymagane
  • Kierunki: Zarządzanie, Informatyka, Logistyka, Europeistyka

Schuman Traineeships at the European Parliament The European Parliament is an important forum for political debate and decision-making at the EU level. Its Members are directly elected by voters in all EU countries to represent the interests of European citizens. The Parliament acts as a co-legislator, sharing with the Council the power to adopt and amend legislative proposals and to decide on the EU budget. It also supervises the work of the Commission and other EU bodies. The European Parliament chooses around 800 Schuman trainees every year. 


The European Parliament is an equal opportunities employer; candidates are encouraged to apply regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, cultural, ethnic and religious background or disability. Reasonable accommodations are available for successful candidates with disabilities who may require such assistance. 

Zakres obowiązków

What is in it for you? 

  • you will discover how the EU, and in particular the European Parliament works; 
  • you will get a ‘behind the scenes’ view of the Parliament’s activities by contributing to its daily work;
  • you will gain hands-on experience in the EU decision-making process; 
  • you will work with people from various backgrounds in a multicultural and multilingual environment; 
  • you will build on the knowledge acquired from your universit.

Kierunki, do których skierowana jest oferta

  • Zarządzanie
  • Informatyka
  • Logistyka
  • Europeistyka

Wymagana znajomość języków obcych

  • angielski (poziom: B2)
  • francuski (poziom: B2)
  • niemiecki (poziom: B2)

Inne umiejętności

Who can apply? To be eligible for a traineeship, you must: 

  • be aged 18+; 
  • provide a university level diploma;
  • provide a valid criminal record; 
  • have a thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the European Union and very good knowledge of another official EU language (citizens of non-Member States must have a very good knowledge of either English, French or German); 
  • not have worked for more than two consecutive months in an EU institution or body

When can you apply?

For traineeships starting in March and finishing in July, the application period opens in October. For traineeships starting in October and finishing in February, the application period opens in May.


Where will you work? 

It is possible to complete your Schuman traineeship at one of the three places of work of the European Parliament, which are located in Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg. It is also possible to complete your Schuman traineeship at one of the European Parliament Liaison Offices (EPLO) in the EU member states, which are responsible for the local implementation of institutional communication activities. 

In which field? 

You can choose from over 400 traineeship offers per campaign, in the following fields: 

  • Communication; 
  • Law; 
  • Multilingualism; 
  • International Relations; 
  • Administration; 
  • Infrastructure and Logistics; 
  • EU Internal Policies; 
  • IT; 
  • HR; 
  • ... and many others.

Duration: 5 months.

Paid: 1.536€ a month in Brussels and Luxembourg - the allowance will be adjusted in other countries in accordance with the local cost of living standards. 

Start dates: March 1 or October 1 - which can be advanced or postponed by one month.